Posts in Visions & Dreams
A Season for Releasing & Dreaming

“…All of nature quickly shifts, as spirit wind reminds us of stories from past seasons. The bringer of cool gusts of exhalations abruptly call out to each leaf, “All of life has celebrated your splendor and now it is time to let go.” Then spirit wind speaks to all life once again beckoning change, “It’s a time for rest now and a time to return to great grandmother earth. Listen to her wise counsel...”

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Dream 4/09/2020 - channeled by a grandfather elder

As I journal this dream that I am about to share, at times I can hear a grandfather elder’s voice channeling through me, as I attempt to write the words, at times he corrects me, and so I go back and re-scribe for him until I reach, is approval. At the end of this dream entry, I ask him questions and he again shows me more pictures with his teachings. I share this entry because it has become apparent that it is meant for more than my eyes and my heart to understand.

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