Heaven on Earth Healing

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A Season for Releasing & Dreaming

After the Fall equinox we notice changes in nature all around us.  The joyful blossoming and expansion of summer and the shaded enjoyment of our green-wigged tall ones, give way to the great transition, of golden yellows, bright oranges and ruby reds.  The garden’s above-ground harvest has been picked and celebrated and the rooted vegetables with their wilted tops let us know that there’s still time to enjoy their treasures.  

All of nature quickly shifts, as spirit wind reminds us of stories from past seasons. The bringer of cool gusts of exhalations abruptly call out to each leaf, “All of life has celebrated your splendor and now it is time to let go.” Then spirit wind speaks to all life once again beckoning change, “It’s a time for rest now and a time to return to great grandmother earth. Listen to her wise counsel.  Turn your attention inwards, it is time for the great gathering of the collective web of life.  We shall whisper wisdom from our collective voice, and the dream chiefs shall dance their medicine into the quieting minds of humans awakening to their sacred dreams.”  

This is how the web of life informs our consciousness and invites us to rejoin the collective oneness and the endless expansion of our evolutionary journey. 

Dreaming, meditating, journaling and sacred visions provide us with rich opportunities for inner healing, growth and guidance from your soul, higher self, your angels, animal spirits, and teachers. They all await your attendance to this call to dance into the dreamworld and remember the oneness, and who you really are. Then to awaken from this trance with the seeds for a new chapter.  

But before any new vision can begin, one must go into the stillness, in the quiet, into the longer nights of retreat, to bring up and recall the many gifts that this last sun cycle has brought you.  Celebrate your joys, and pleasures, but also give thanks as you clutch onto the wisdom hard earned and release the stories once wrapped in pain filled dramas.  Bring your thankfulness and bless it all. And then dear one, surrender it back into the river of life so the ocean of oneness can again welcome home each actor and actress with a warm blanket of forgiveness and redemption.  

Dearest family, I invite you to quiet your thoughts, drop your agendas of accomplishing a fully crossed off ‘to-do-list’, and turn your awareness inwards. Remind yourself of the sacred reasons why you are here, a soul incarnated.  Go into the dream time to reunite in body-mind and spirit with your true essence and join the great gathering of the collective web of life.  All are welcome here.

Dreamwork Coaching 

One to one dreamwork coaching is the kind of coaching that helps you attain a different  perspective while gathering more value in the symbolism of what your unconscious mind and your soul are trying to communicate to you.  Whether you remember dreams nightly or just occasionally, you can enrich your life through understanding the dream world and build a conscious relationship with these inner plays. After a few sessions if you choose, you’ll be able to begin grasping how it works and learn how to interpret the profound language on your own.  Sometimes it's hard to step back far enough from your dream to be able to see anything other than your initial impressions.  That’s why having a dream coach can be so beneficial for anyone and any stage and ability of their own interpretation.  One can also join our collective dreamwork community where you can expand your glossary and deeper meaning and symbolisms channeled freely from your dream team. 

Learn more: One to One Dreamwork Coaching

Learn More: Dreamwork Courses

Sign Up For Class: The Meaning of Dreams

Cheers to you!
