Accessing Inner Peace - 7/20/20

So as I meditate on Dalai Lama's words "We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace within ourselves.", it resonates with other spiritual teachings about the First Peace. 

The first peace is the peace from within.

The second peace is the peace between brothers/sisters.

The third peace happens when the other two are accomplished and that is peace between nations, countries, other worlds.  I paraphrase. 

So how does one find or make peace within?  Let's start with the first truth. And that is that we are all spiritual or nonphysical beings having a human ego experience.  So you are more than your body and you are more than your identity of the small self, you are even more than your thoughts or beliefs. So grasp onto this truth first, it will lesson the mental-emotional drama that your small ego self would like to tell you. 

The next step is to begin a meditation practice. Keep it simple. All that you are attempting to do is to get out of the mental thinking place and drop down into your body and more importantly your place of being. This place of being is closer to your true essence which is your true identity. This place of being is your soul self or higher self and when you gain access to this aspect of self, your higher self wants for you to have healing and to have peace and true inner joy and happiness. So during your practice, you will begin to release those old stories and dramas of the small self, like shedding layers of fabric so that more and more of your true light can shine outwards.

Now I know many will say, “But Theresa I can’t meditate, that just isn’t me”. And my response is, “You’re exactly right. It’s impossible if the you that you are identifying with is only the ego-mind. But you are so much more than that.”

So if you need my help I am here for you. I carry many effective tools to assist even the most challenging of belief systems. These tools are meditation, guided imagery, hypnotherapy, gestalt therapy, nlp, spiritual and life coaching, energy medicine, and dreamwork.

I can honestly say I had struggled for many years with unconscious anxiety and hopeless depression until spirit guided me to some helpful processes that I now help my clients, and online groups with. It feels so rewarding to incorporate these tools into my work as a life coach, spiritual coach, and healer. There are many effective tools that I would love to share with you if you would take one step toward being willing to learn how to love yourself more, and learn processes and practices that will raise you out of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, or the heavy burdens you've been carrying. Isn't it time to let go so you can love your life? DM me when you are ready.